Kisah 01
As many of you guys know, I attended Bersih rally two days ago. I did so for many reasons, they include: I still love my country and want to see the best from it, my cousins went last year and their stories were inspiring, and I was plain curious what tear gas felt like.
I was fully aware of what I was going to get myself into. Did as much prep work as I could before leaving for Malaysia. When some of my Singaporean friends heard I was going, they asked me to stay in Singapore and watch it on TV because it was dangerous. My response to them was 'if everyone thought that way, there'll be nothing to watch on TV'. I knew I could survive tear gas and water cannons, but I was worried about being arrested. So to minimize the possibility of being arrested, I went as a medic.
Yes, a medic. Almost everyone I told this to burst out laughing saying I don't have a medic face. I wasn't part of the medical team or anything, I just made a red crescent arm band out of elastic and red markers (thanks tien li for reminding me it's not a red cross in Malaysia), packed a couple of first aid kits and headed up north. I do have a valid standard first aid and CPR license and have treated enough of my rock climbing and outdoor injuries to know how to deal with most situations.
On the morning of 428, I headed to KL via LRT. I had planned to reach there about 11 because I thought they might shut down the LRT like they did last year, and I wanted to get into KL before the LRT got closed. On the way to KL, my friend messaged me that the Masjid Jamek station (which I was planning to alight at) had been closed, so I alighted at Plaza Rakyat together with a lot of other people clad in yellow. Walking over to Pasar Seni, there were already thousands in the street. I hung out near the LRT station till my friend arrived at 1.30. The atmosphere was jovial with people occasionally chanting 'bersih' and 'hidup rakyat' while playing with a huge yellow balloon that was being bounced around the crowd.
I met up with my friend, and marched with the crowd towards Masjid Jamek when everyone started moving at about 2.15. We made it as far as Masjid Jamek, but couldn't go any further because Jalan Tun Perak was chock full of people. We went back to the bridge at Jalan Raja where there was a police barricade where someone had pasted a sign 'Welcome to Tel Aviv' over the razor wire.
Razor wire is f***ing sharp. My friend got cut, so we went to the side of the road so I could patch him up. A woman saw me open my first aid kit and stood with her umbrella over my friend while I worked. A group of guys walked pass, and asked if my green packet labeled G stood for ganja. They promptly apologized when they realized my friend was hurt and G stood for gauze. I was highly amused. Another guy who got cut came over and I patched him up too. My friend and I then went to grab some cardboard to put over the razor wire to minimize accidents happening. We soon got bored and we started to head back to Pasar Seni LRT this is when we heard tear gas being fired, it was about 3.30 when it happened. My friend decided he had to leave, and I decided I'll stay around and offer any help I could.
The rakyat helped each other after being gassed, skin colour or religion no longer mattered. Those with salt were holding opened packets out to everyone that passed. Those with water first washed their own faces, then turned to help others do the same. I approached a group of men about 50 years of age and asked if everything is ok, one of them replied, 'we're all ok, just want to see who still needs help'. I headed back to Jalan Raja bridge to see what things were like, the roads were wet, a sign that water cannons were used.
I heard someone shout 'medical, medical' and ran over. An old man had collapsed, but a few other medics got there before me. I still set up shop next to them to deal with other cases that were coming in. Almost all cases were tear gas related, a few had serious exposure, some had been hit by the canisters and were bruised / cut by them, a few more had been burnt when they tried to pick up the canisters to throw back. Note: The canisters are HOT, DO NOT touch them unless you're wearing thick gloves. If you plan to handle canisters, you WILL be heavily exposed to the gas. It was the burn victims that worried me the most, their skin had turned white but hadn't start to blister.
I didn't have any ice with me, and they sighed with relief when I sprayed ethyl chloride on their hands. The nozzles of my cans also decided to malfunction right then, refusing to spray. I sent a few people to the nearby Burger King to get ice, but all the shops had locked their doors after the police opened fire and refused to give them ice. All I could do was to advice them to ice their burns as quickly as they could. The old man next to me looked in pretty bad shape, but the other medics were working on him, and was trying to figure out how to get an ambulance over through the crowd. There was nothing else I could do, so I moved on.
I managed to persuade macD along Jalan Tun Perak to unlock their door and give me a bag of ice by pointing to my armband, but true to murphy's law, I didn't need ice again till it was long melted.
It was an interesting experience being part of the rally as a medic. I was always moving in the opposite direction of the crowd. When the police advanced with tear gas and water cannons, and everyone starts running, I would hold my ground to make sure no one was hurt and left behind before running myself. When the police retreated, and the crowd pushed forward, I would move back, to look for people who were nursing wounds. There was one moment were I hung around for too long when the water cannon was advancing, and the cannon started to track me. As I braced myself for the worst, a malay guy grabbed me and pulled me behind a wall before I got hit.
The water from the cannon was laced with chemicals. I think it was some form of pepper spray, skin felt like it was burning upon contact, and the water vapours caused my eyes to tear badly.
After another round of tear gassing, I heard shouts for a Medic and ran in to the alley where it originated from. Two guys were sitting against a wall, and when I asked what happened, the victim pointed to his leg. He was wearing a pair of long pants, but his white sock was soaked with blood. His friend looked at me and said 'kena tembak, peluru besi' (got shot, steel bullet). I immediately thought 'Oh dear, please don't give me a bullet wound. I'm not confident of dealing with one'. After cleaning some of the blood away, I saw that the gash was not caused by a bullet, but because he had been hit by a tear gas canister. I sighed with relief, this one I'm able to treat. While applying pressure to stop the bleeding, I learnt something. When you're helping a victim, and the police decide to gas the area, you can't run, nether can your victim.
The home minister might praise the police for acting in a professional manner, but from my perspective, they were anything but professional. Firstly, they kept taunting the crowd. Sure the crowd was shouting insults and taunting the police too (my malay is so bad, I could not really make out most of what either side was yelling at each other), but the police kept signaling to the crowd with the unmistakable 'if you want us, come and get us' signals.
Secondly, a lot of the police actions made no tactical sense. It wasn't to hold a line, or secure a perimeter. They would push forward, chasing the crowd back, then retreat back to their original place, or even further back. When they retreated, the crowd would jeer them as they retreated, regroup, and push forward again. To me, it looked like the police were taunting the crowd, trying to get people to act in a rash manner, just to give an excuse for them to justify arrests. If arrests were what they wanted, they sure got it, because everytime the police retreated, the people felt like they had 'won' that round and got bold, increasing jeering and sometimes throwing stones and bottles after the police. At this, the police at times turn around chase and try to arrest people. However, each time someone threw something at the police, he would get reprimanded by another rakyat, telling him to chill or that throwing things at the police isn't helping the Bersih cause.
Third was police brutality, you might see videos of police beating people up, I saw this happen the whole afternoon. It wasn't violent protesters that were arrested, it was anybody the police could get their hands on. People sitting by the side of the road doing nothing were pounced on by the police. Police were chasing down two guys, both stumbled, the police pounced on one, kicked the other away from behind so he fell headfirst to the ground. Police arrested people, held them down while others rained blows on them before taking them away. I met another medic who told me he saw police beating a man, he ran forward to stop them and give aid to the man, but was chased away by the police with threats of arrest. At one point, a wave of police ran up to the group I was with and one tried to grab me in a headlock. I ducked under his arm, and when he turned back to come at me again, I pointed at my armband. He apologized to me, but other police behind him started yelling at me. I took the hint and quickly walked away. This happened around the Jalan Raja - Jalan Tun Perak intersection.
I made my way back to Masjid Jamek station, the police advanced to the station (for the umteenth time) soon after. After a couple of canisters of tear gas was released together with the water cannon, I decided it was time to head back and started walking back towards puduraya. After about 200m, I walked pass a mamak shop, next to the chef was one last packet of maggi mee. I hadn't had lunch, was hungry and I thought I would try and see if I can snag that last packet. I knew I was still pretty close to the front line, but I still was curious to how things were going to turn out, plus I felt the police won't pick on a medic.
My maggi goreng was served and I heard a commotion outside the shop which could only mean the police were charging forward. A group of policemen burst into the shop and arrested everyone in yellow, some came up to me and I calmly pointed at my armband and continued to quietly eat my maggi. They hustled everyone in yellow away and a few of them were picking on this guy in a grey shirt, slapping him around. Suddenly one of the police pointed at me and started shouting some stuff at me (I really need to brush up my malay), but I think he was saying something along the lines of 'What are you still doing around, I told you to get lost' so I guess it's the same group of police that tried to get me in a headlock. I got dragged out of the shop and the police started raining punches onto me before one of them grabbed my arm and started to march me back to the police stronghold at dataran merdeka.
Walking towards dataran was like running a gauntlet. Police from all sides were jeering and insulting us as we walked past, those close enough would take free hits at us. After a few blows to the head which left me dizzy, I kept my hands up to protect my head and took the blows to my body. Some of these blows winded me, and one hit me behind my knee with his baton, leaving my leg numb knee down. The policeman holding onto me kept whispering to me not to fight back, and that as long as he was holding on to me, I won't get it too bad. While I am thankful that I had him to protect me, the fact that he did nothing to stop, and that police were so open about their abuse, seems to suggest that abuse was in their culture. None of the police had their name tags or numbers on their uniform, making identification of a particular police difficult. Halfway to dataran merdeka, one of the policemen pointed at my armband, shouted to the others that an armband could be bought. Another police ripped it off my arm, threw it along the road, before letting me continue the gauntlet run.
The beatings I got were mild compared to many others I witnessed. One man behind me collapsed after a blow, he was quickly surrounded and kicked by others.
I was put into the same police vehicle as Wong Chin Huat. This was when my work started, I had more first aid work to do in the bus than I had the whole day. I treated about 10 people with cuts on their head that could only be the result of beatings, skin around the eye split, foreheads beaten, and some with cuts on their scalp. All of these wounds were superficial but had profuse bleedings typical of scalp and face injuries. One guy had a broken ankle which I splinted with a roll of newspaper. I managed to stop most of the bleeding of the people who were in my bus by the time we arrived at the police station, but what ice I had had long melted, so there was little I could do for the many people whose heads had swellings from beatings, some had lumps the size of golf balls, and the guy in grey shirt who was in the same mamak shop as me, his left cheek was twice the size of his right.
At the police station, things were rather eventful. They offered medical treatment for all those who were hurt, they searched my bag and confiscated my swiss army knives. Made us sit around for hours. I continued to help tend to some of the people who refused medical help from the police, one had a gash behind his ear, another, i'm pretty sure had a cracked rib. But after taking our statement and photograph, we were released about 8 hours later (thanks Ben for waiting and picking me up).
I went back to Masjid Jamek the next day on my way to pudu. I was wondering if I could find my armband because I promised one of my friends I'll give it to her, but the area had been swept and the armband along with the other trash. I stopped by the mamak stall to pay for my maggi goreng which I was interrupted from, the shop keeper recognized me and gave me a hug after I paid him. Another one of the guys at the shop offered me a cigarette which I could not refuse without hurting his feelings. After lighting up and promising to eat at the stall in the future, I continued to pudu and made my way to Ipoh.
ps. I was not in the any of the areas where the controversies happened, so I cannot comment on who's to blame. All I can vouch for is that it did turn from a carnival to a riot, and it wasn't a pretty sight.
Kisah 02
Pada 28 April 2012, lebih kurang jam 7 petang berdekatan Masjid India Kuala Lumpur ketika saya dan seorang kawan saya SANI MD SHAH melihat beberapa anggota polis beruniform tanpa tanda nama seolah merusuh merosakkan beberapa gerai – gerai penjaja di kawasan hadapan Masjid India, tiba – tiba saya dikerumun oleh sekumpulan anggota polis (lebih 15 orang beruniform beruniform) terus memukul, menumbuk, menendang saya dan kawan saya berkali kali. Saya turut dipukul dengan objek tumpul. Dalam keadaan lemah saya dibawa berjalan kaki dari kawasan Masjid India ke Dataran Merdeka berjalan kaki. Melalui Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Sepanjang perjalanan ramai lagi anggota polis berlari datang memukul saya. Sampai di Dataran Merdeka anggota polis yang membawa saya terus menjerit “Woi, ni ha chegubard orang kuat Anwar bontot !”
Serentak dengan itu saya terus dikerumun berpuluh – puluh anggota polis (semuanya berunifrom) memukul dengan perbagai gaya saya muntah, darah keluar dari telinga, luka di kepala, hidung dan mulut. Saya jatuh terus dipijak dan disepak. Saya diangkat, saya merayu meminta belas kasihan, namun ketika itu seorang anggota polis terus melompat dan menendang dada saya. Rayuan saya sia - sia kerana saya hanya merayu kepada manusia yang hatinya telah bertukar menjadi binatang. Saya rebah ketika itu ada yang menjerit rampas telefon dia.
Saya cuba rebahkan badan mengiring ke kiri kerana telefon bimbit saya di poket kiri. Ada polis seluk poket kanan saya dan mengeluarkan sesuatu dan menunjukkan kepada kawanya sambil bersorak. Di mana saya sedar kemudianya wang tunai kira – kira lebih RM 200 di poket kanan telah hilang. Anggota polis ada yang menghina dengan perkataan lucah (seperti mak kau ni pelacur), maki hamun bersifat permusuhan kaum dan agama (seperti kau ni hamba keling, kau pun pergilah sembah patung macam keling). Malah saya turut di ugut bunuh dengan menyatakan kalau berani buatlah report panggil media, jangan harap kami akan kena tindakan tetapi kau yang akan kena pijak sampai mampus. Saya juga diludah. Ada juga anggota polis yang sebut “kau bunuh polis ya…kalau aku bunuh kau tak siapa tahu tau”
Sampai di hujung padang dataran Merdeka saya dimasukkan ke dalam trak bersama kawan saya dan dalam trak ada 13 orang lagi. Trak tertutup dengan ruang udara amat terhad amat panas, dalam keadaan berhimpit, kesakitan dan luka kami dibiarkan. 30 minit terbiar di Dataran sebelum trak berjalan, hampir sejam perjalanan dan 30 minit terus dibiar bila tiba di destinasi (Pulapol). Di Pulapol saya mohon untuk membuat laporan polis tetapi anggota polis cuma suruh saya tunggu. Saya tolak untuk dapat rawatan dalam tahanan. Tidak ada sebarang kenyataan diambil saya hanya diminta serahkan MyKad dan gambar saya dirakamkan.
Hanya dibebaskan sekitar 2.30 pagi dipaksa menaiki bas dan turun dipintu belakang Pulapol. Saya terus dikejarkan oleh teman – teman yang menanti diluar untuk mendapatkan rawatan di HUKM. Saya mohon satu siasatan dan tindakan wajar diambil. Jelas sejak dari awal perhimpunan sebelum apa – apa berlaku polis sudah tidak memakai tanda nama ? Maknanya mereka sudah merancang untuk mengganas dari awal ? Adakah semua ini dirancang oleh pihak atasan ?
Saya tegaskan walaupun dipukul dan dihina teruk saya tidak menyalahkan anggota polis. Polis juga mangsa seperti rakyat lain. Polis telah diperbodohkan oleh Umno dan barisan nasional. Pertama sekali bayangkan jika Dataran Merdeka dibuka, semua akan berlansung aman. Polis telah dipergunakan oleh Najib yang penuh ketakutan dengan bayang – bayang sendiri kerana pilihanraya terlalu hampir tetapi dia sedar kebencian rakyat terhadapnya pula tidak berkurangan. Keduanya kalau ada pun kesalahan, ada beberapa peserta demonstrasi tolak halangan polis kerana termakan provokasi tetapi kami tetap tidak langgar perintah mahkamah iaitu kami tidak memijak padang Dataran Merdeka. Namun tolakan terhadap halangan polis itu yang kemudian jelas semua berundur tidak sama sekali menghalalkan rakyat dipukul, cubaan polis menggunakan kenderaan melanggar demonstran di kawasan yang ternyata jauh dari kawasan perintah mahkamah.
Saya melihat sendiri kejadian sekumpulan anggota polis sekitar sejam setengah sebelum saya ditahan saya berada di hadapan Hotel Quality Jalan Raja Laut, bagaimana sekumpulan anggota polis bermotorsikal dan berkereta (termasuk MPV) memandu laju cuba melanggar demonstran dan berhenti serentak mengejar demonstran lalu menarik beberapa yang berjaya ditangkap untuk dibelasah di tengah - tengah kumpulan mereka. Saya yang kebetulan ada di situ bersama beberapa anak muda menegur seorang anggota polis yang menarik tudung seorang wanita tua.
Malangnya saya dihalakan pistol dan dijerkah untuk diam. Kononya polis bertindak kerana khabar angin ada anggota polis mati. Khabar angin ini dibawa oleh agen – agen Bn sendiri. Polis sendiri bertindak kerana tertipu dengan agen Bn, polis dimangsakan. Umno Bn menipu dan ‘brainwash’ polis untuk menukar mereka supaya menjadi alat regim yang hilang pertimbangan.
Polis perlu sedar hakikat ini, kalau bersalahpun saya tujukan kepada anggota atasan polis yang sedar dan bersekongkol dengan pemimpin regim memperkudakan anggota bawahan dilapangan. Najib Razak dan sepupunya Hishamuddin perlu mengambil tanggungjawab penuh terhadap apa yang terjadi.
Tarikh 28 April 2012 harus dikenang dengan sebagai Hari Rusuhan Polis yang memukul, melanggar, menangkap,memaki hamun, mencuri, merosakkan harta benda kerana diperalat dan diperdaya regim Bn. Selain itu tarikh itu harus dikenang sebagai hari kemerdekaan dan penyatuan rakyat dimana ia merupakan himpunan terbesar rakyat Malaysia perbagai latar belakang bersatu dalam menuntut kebaikan untuk negara tercinta.
Jika benar penganjur berniat jahat, bayangkan kekuatan 200,000 lebih orang kalau digunakan untuk berdepan dengan hanya 10,000 anggota polis pasti tidak mampu ditahan laghi. Namun itu bukan tujuannya.
Jangan lari fokus mengenai sapa pecah pagar atau sebagainya… isu utamanya ialah jangan ada PRU sebelum senarai pemilih dibersihan, pembersihan SPR harus bermula dengan Ketua dan Timbalanya yang jelas ahli Umno harus letak jawatan. Mana ada dalam dunia pengendali pilihanraya anggota parti politik ? Bayangkan jika perlawanan bola sepak pengadil turun ke padang memakai jersey salah satu pasukan tentu kecoh stadium.
che’GuBard / Badrul Hisham Shaharin
Parti Keadilan Nasional
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
Mungkin ada yang tak baca lagi cerita2 mangsa yang kena sama macam Ustaz Burhan semalam.
As many of you guys know, I attended Bersih rally two days ago. I did so for many reasons, they include: I still love my country and want to see the best from it, my cousins went last year and their stories were inspiring, and I was plain curious what tear gas felt like.
I was fully aware of what I was going to get myself into. Did as much prep work as I could before leaving for Malaysia. When some of my Singaporean friends heard I was going, they asked me to stay in Singapore and watch it on TV because it was dangerous. My response to them was 'if everyone thought that way, there'll be nothing to watch on TV'. I knew I could survive tear gas and water cannons, but I was worried about being arrested. So to minimize the possibility of being arrested, I went as a medic.
Yes, a medic. Almost everyone I told this to burst out laughing saying I don't have a medic face. I wasn't part of the medical team or anything, I just made a red crescent arm band out of elastic and red markers (thanks tien li for reminding me it's not a red cross in Malaysia), packed a couple of first aid kits and headed up north. I do have a valid standard first aid and CPR license and have treated enough of my rock climbing and outdoor injuries to know how to deal with most situations.
On the morning of 428, I headed to KL via LRT. I had planned to reach there about 11 because I thought they might shut down the LRT like they did last year, and I wanted to get into KL before the LRT got closed. On the way to KL, my friend messaged me that the Masjid Jamek station (which I was planning to alight at) had been closed, so I alighted at Plaza Rakyat together with a lot of other people clad in yellow. Walking over to Pasar Seni, there were already thousands in the street. I hung out near the LRT station till my friend arrived at 1.30. The atmosphere was jovial with people occasionally chanting 'bersih' and 'hidup rakyat' while playing with a huge yellow balloon that was being bounced around the crowd.
I met up with my friend, and marched with the crowd towards Masjid Jamek when everyone started moving at about 2.15. We made it as far as Masjid Jamek, but couldn't go any further because Jalan Tun Perak was chock full of people. We went back to the bridge at Jalan Raja where there was a police barricade where someone had pasted a sign 'Welcome to Tel Aviv' over the razor wire.
Razor wire is f***ing sharp. My friend got cut, so we went to the side of the road so I could patch him up. A woman saw me open my first aid kit and stood with her umbrella over my friend while I worked. A group of guys walked pass, and asked if my green packet labeled G stood for ganja. They promptly apologized when they realized my friend was hurt and G stood for gauze. I was highly amused. Another guy who got cut came over and I patched him up too. My friend and I then went to grab some cardboard to put over the razor wire to minimize accidents happening. We soon got bored and we started to head back to Pasar Seni LRT this is when we heard tear gas being fired, it was about 3.30 when it happened. My friend decided he had to leave, and I decided I'll stay around and offer any help I could.
The rakyat helped each other after being gassed, skin colour or religion no longer mattered. Those with salt were holding opened packets out to everyone that passed. Those with water first washed their own faces, then turned to help others do the same. I approached a group of men about 50 years of age and asked if everything is ok, one of them replied, 'we're all ok, just want to see who still needs help'. I headed back to Jalan Raja bridge to see what things were like, the roads were wet, a sign that water cannons were used.
I heard someone shout 'medical, medical' and ran over. An old man had collapsed, but a few other medics got there before me. I still set up shop next to them to deal with other cases that were coming in. Almost all cases were tear gas related, a few had serious exposure, some had been hit by the canisters and were bruised / cut by them, a few more had been burnt when they tried to pick up the canisters to throw back. Note: The canisters are HOT, DO NOT touch them unless you're wearing thick gloves. If you plan to handle canisters, you WILL be heavily exposed to the gas. It was the burn victims that worried me the most, their skin had turned white but hadn't start to blister.
I didn't have any ice with me, and they sighed with relief when I sprayed ethyl chloride on their hands. The nozzles of my cans also decided to malfunction right then, refusing to spray. I sent a few people to the nearby Burger King to get ice, but all the shops had locked their doors after the police opened fire and refused to give them ice. All I could do was to advice them to ice their burns as quickly as they could. The old man next to me looked in pretty bad shape, but the other medics were working on him, and was trying to figure out how to get an ambulance over through the crowd. There was nothing else I could do, so I moved on.
I managed to persuade macD along Jalan Tun Perak to unlock their door and give me a bag of ice by pointing to my armband, but true to murphy's law, I didn't need ice again till it was long melted.
It was an interesting experience being part of the rally as a medic. I was always moving in the opposite direction of the crowd. When the police advanced with tear gas and water cannons, and everyone starts running, I would hold my ground to make sure no one was hurt and left behind before running myself. When the police retreated, and the crowd pushed forward, I would move back, to look for people who were nursing wounds. There was one moment were I hung around for too long when the water cannon was advancing, and the cannon started to track me. As I braced myself for the worst, a malay guy grabbed me and pulled me behind a wall before I got hit.
The water from the cannon was laced with chemicals. I think it was some form of pepper spray, skin felt like it was burning upon contact, and the water vapours caused my eyes to tear badly.
After another round of tear gassing, I heard shouts for a Medic and ran in to the alley where it originated from. Two guys were sitting against a wall, and when I asked what happened, the victim pointed to his leg. He was wearing a pair of long pants, but his white sock was soaked with blood. His friend looked at me and said 'kena tembak, peluru besi' (got shot, steel bullet). I immediately thought 'Oh dear, please don't give me a bullet wound. I'm not confident of dealing with one'. After cleaning some of the blood away, I saw that the gash was not caused by a bullet, but because he had been hit by a tear gas canister. I sighed with relief, this one I'm able to treat. While applying pressure to stop the bleeding, I learnt something. When you're helping a victim, and the police decide to gas the area, you can't run, nether can your victim.
The home minister might praise the police for acting in a professional manner, but from my perspective, they were anything but professional. Firstly, they kept taunting the crowd. Sure the crowd was shouting insults and taunting the police too (my malay is so bad, I could not really make out most of what either side was yelling at each other), but the police kept signaling to the crowd with the unmistakable 'if you want us, come and get us' signals.
Secondly, a lot of the police actions made no tactical sense. It wasn't to hold a line, or secure a perimeter. They would push forward, chasing the crowd back, then retreat back to their original place, or even further back. When they retreated, the crowd would jeer them as they retreated, regroup, and push forward again. To me, it looked like the police were taunting the crowd, trying to get people to act in a rash manner, just to give an excuse for them to justify arrests. If arrests were what they wanted, they sure got it, because everytime the police retreated, the people felt like they had 'won' that round and got bold, increasing jeering and sometimes throwing stones and bottles after the police. At this, the police at times turn around chase and try to arrest people. However, each time someone threw something at the police, he would get reprimanded by another rakyat, telling him to chill or that throwing things at the police isn't helping the Bersih cause.
Third was police brutality, you might see videos of police beating people up, I saw this happen the whole afternoon. It wasn't violent protesters that were arrested, it was anybody the police could get their hands on. People sitting by the side of the road doing nothing were pounced on by the police. Police were chasing down two guys, both stumbled, the police pounced on one, kicked the other away from behind so he fell headfirst to the ground. Police arrested people, held them down while others rained blows on them before taking them away. I met another medic who told me he saw police beating a man, he ran forward to stop them and give aid to the man, but was chased away by the police with threats of arrest. At one point, a wave of police ran up to the group I was with and one tried to grab me in a headlock. I ducked under his arm, and when he turned back to come at me again, I pointed at my armband. He apologized to me, but other police behind him started yelling at me. I took the hint and quickly walked away. This happened around the Jalan Raja - Jalan Tun Perak intersection.
I made my way back to Masjid Jamek station, the police advanced to the station (for the umteenth time) soon after. After a couple of canisters of tear gas was released together with the water cannon, I decided it was time to head back and started walking back towards puduraya. After about 200m, I walked pass a mamak shop, next to the chef was one last packet of maggi mee. I hadn't had lunch, was hungry and I thought I would try and see if I can snag that last packet. I knew I was still pretty close to the front line, but I still was curious to how things were going to turn out, plus I felt the police won't pick on a medic.
My maggi goreng was served and I heard a commotion outside the shop which could only mean the police were charging forward. A group of policemen burst into the shop and arrested everyone in yellow, some came up to me and I calmly pointed at my armband and continued to quietly eat my maggi. They hustled everyone in yellow away and a few of them were picking on this guy in a grey shirt, slapping him around. Suddenly one of the police pointed at me and started shouting some stuff at me (I really need to brush up my malay), but I think he was saying something along the lines of 'What are you still doing around, I told you to get lost' so I guess it's the same group of police that tried to get me in a headlock. I got dragged out of the shop and the police started raining punches onto me before one of them grabbed my arm and started to march me back to the police stronghold at dataran merdeka.
Walking towards dataran was like running a gauntlet. Police from all sides were jeering and insulting us as we walked past, those close enough would take free hits at us. After a few blows to the head which left me dizzy, I kept my hands up to protect my head and took the blows to my body. Some of these blows winded me, and one hit me behind my knee with his baton, leaving my leg numb knee down. The policeman holding onto me kept whispering to me not to fight back, and that as long as he was holding on to me, I won't get it too bad. While I am thankful that I had him to protect me, the fact that he did nothing to stop, and that police were so open about their abuse, seems to suggest that abuse was in their culture. None of the police had their name tags or numbers on their uniform, making identification of a particular police difficult. Halfway to dataran merdeka, one of the policemen pointed at my armband, shouted to the others that an armband could be bought. Another police ripped it off my arm, threw it along the road, before letting me continue the gauntlet run.
The beatings I got were mild compared to many others I witnessed. One man behind me collapsed after a blow, he was quickly surrounded and kicked by others.
I was put into the same police vehicle as Wong Chin Huat. This was when my work started, I had more first aid work to do in the bus than I had the whole day. I treated about 10 people with cuts on their head that could only be the result of beatings, skin around the eye split, foreheads beaten, and some with cuts on their scalp. All of these wounds were superficial but had profuse bleedings typical of scalp and face injuries. One guy had a broken ankle which I splinted with a roll of newspaper. I managed to stop most of the bleeding of the people who were in my bus by the time we arrived at the police station, but what ice I had had long melted, so there was little I could do for the many people whose heads had swellings from beatings, some had lumps the size of golf balls, and the guy in grey shirt who was in the same mamak shop as me, his left cheek was twice the size of his right.
At the police station, things were rather eventful. They offered medical treatment for all those who were hurt, they searched my bag and confiscated my swiss army knives. Made us sit around for hours. I continued to help tend to some of the people who refused medical help from the police, one had a gash behind his ear, another, i'm pretty sure had a cracked rib. But after taking our statement and photograph, we were released about 8 hours later (thanks Ben for waiting and picking me up).
I went back to Masjid Jamek the next day on my way to pudu. I was wondering if I could find my armband because I promised one of my friends I'll give it to her, but the area had been swept and the armband along with the other trash. I stopped by the mamak stall to pay for my maggi goreng which I was interrupted from, the shop keeper recognized me and gave me a hug after I paid him. Another one of the guys at the shop offered me a cigarette which I could not refuse without hurting his feelings. After lighting up and promising to eat at the stall in the future, I continued to pudu and made my way to Ipoh.
ps. I was not in the any of the areas where the controversies happened, so I cannot comment on who's to blame. All I can vouch for is that it did turn from a carnival to a riot, and it wasn't a pretty sight.
Kisah 02

Sepanjang perjalanan ramai lagi anggota polis berlari datang memukul saya. Sampai di Dataran Merdeka anggota polis yang membawa saya terus menjerit “Woi, ni ha chegubard orang kuat Anwar bontot !”
Serentak dengan itu saya terus dikerumun berpuluh – puluh anggota polis (semuanya berunifrom) memukul dengan perbagai gaya saya muntah, darah keluar dari telinga, luka di kepala, hidung dan mulut. Saya jatuh terus dipijak dan disepak. Saya diangkat, saya merayu meminta belas kasihan, namun ketika itu seorang anggota polis terus melompat dan menendang dada saya. Rayuan saya sia - sia kerana saya hanya merayu kepada manusia yang hatinya telah bertukar menjadi binatang. Saya rebah ketika itu ada yang menjerit rampas telefon dia.
Saya cuba rebahkan badan mengiring ke kiri kerana telefon bimbit saya di poket kiri. Ada polis seluk poket kanan saya dan mengeluarkan sesuatu dan menunjukkan kepada kawanya sambil bersorak. Di mana saya sedar kemudianya wang tunai kira – kira lebih RM 200 di poket kanan telah hilang. Anggota polis ada yang menghina dengan perkataan lucah (seperti mak kau ni pelacur), maki hamun bersifat permusuhan kaum dan agama (seperti kau ni hamba keling, kau pun pergilah sembah patung macam keling). Malah saya turut di ugut bunuh dengan menyatakan kalau berani buatlah report panggil media, jangan harap kami akan kena tindakan tetapi kau yang akan kena pijak sampai mampus. Saya juga diludah. Ada juga anggota polis yang sebut “kau bunuh polis ya…kalau aku bunuh kau tak siapa tahu tau”
Sampai di hujung padang dataran Merdeka saya dimasukkan ke dalam trak bersama kawan saya dan dalam trak ada 13 orang lagi. Trak tertutup dengan ruang udara amat terhad amat panas, dalam keadaan berhimpit, kesakitan dan luka kami dibiarkan. 30 minit terbiar di Dataran sebelum trak berjalan, hampir sejam perjalanan dan 30 minit terus dibiar bila tiba di destinasi (Pulapol). Di Pulapol saya mohon untuk membuat laporan polis tetapi anggota polis cuma suruh saya tunggu. Saya tolak untuk dapat rawatan dalam tahanan. Tidak ada sebarang kenyataan diambil saya hanya diminta serahkan MyKad dan gambar saya dirakamkan.
Hanya dibebaskan sekitar 2.30 pagi dipaksa menaiki bas dan turun dipintu belakang Pulapol. Saya terus dikejarkan oleh teman – teman yang menanti diluar untuk mendapatkan rawatan di HUKM. Saya mohon satu siasatan dan tindakan wajar diambil. Jelas sejak dari awal perhimpunan sebelum apa – apa berlaku polis sudah tidak memakai tanda nama ? Maknanya mereka sudah merancang untuk mengganas dari awal ? Adakah semua ini dirancang oleh pihak atasan ?
Saya tegaskan walaupun dipukul dan dihina teruk saya tidak menyalahkan anggota polis. Polis juga mangsa seperti rakyat lain. Polis telah diperbodohkan oleh Umno dan barisan nasional. Pertama sekali bayangkan jika Dataran Merdeka dibuka, semua akan berlansung aman. Polis telah dipergunakan oleh Najib yang penuh ketakutan dengan bayang – bayang sendiri kerana pilihanraya terlalu hampir tetapi dia sedar kebencian rakyat terhadapnya pula tidak berkurangan. Keduanya kalau ada pun kesalahan, ada beberapa peserta demonstrasi tolak halangan polis kerana termakan provokasi tetapi kami tetap tidak langgar perintah mahkamah iaitu kami tidak memijak padang Dataran Merdeka. Namun tolakan terhadap halangan polis itu yang kemudian jelas semua berundur tidak sama sekali menghalalkan rakyat dipukul, cubaan polis menggunakan kenderaan melanggar demonstran di kawasan yang ternyata jauh dari kawasan perintah mahkamah.
Saya melihat sendiri kejadian sekumpulan anggota polis sekitar sejam setengah sebelum saya ditahan saya berada di hadapan Hotel Quality Jalan Raja Laut, bagaimana sekumpulan anggota polis bermotorsikal dan berkereta (termasuk MPV) memandu laju cuba melanggar demonstran dan berhenti serentak mengejar demonstran lalu menarik beberapa yang berjaya ditangkap untuk dibelasah di tengah - tengah kumpulan mereka. Saya yang kebetulan ada di situ bersama beberapa anak muda menegur seorang anggota polis yang menarik tudung seorang wanita tua.
Malangnya saya dihalakan pistol dan dijerkah untuk diam. Kononya polis bertindak kerana khabar angin ada anggota polis mati. Khabar angin ini dibawa oleh agen – agen Bn sendiri. Polis sendiri bertindak kerana tertipu dengan agen Bn, polis dimangsakan. Umno Bn menipu dan ‘brainwash’ polis untuk menukar mereka supaya menjadi alat regim yang hilang pertimbangan.
Polis perlu sedar hakikat ini, kalau bersalahpun saya tujukan kepada anggota atasan polis yang sedar dan bersekongkol dengan pemimpin regim memperkudakan anggota bawahan dilapangan. Najib Razak dan sepupunya Hishamuddin perlu mengambil tanggungjawab penuh terhadap apa yang terjadi.
Tarikh 28 April 2012 harus dikenang dengan sebagai Hari Rusuhan Polis yang memukul, melanggar, menangkap,memaki hamun, mencuri, merosakkan harta benda kerana diperalat dan diperdaya regim Bn. Selain itu tarikh itu harus dikenang sebagai hari kemerdekaan dan penyatuan rakyat dimana ia merupakan himpunan terbesar rakyat Malaysia perbagai latar belakang bersatu dalam menuntut kebaikan untuk negara tercinta.
Jika benar penganjur berniat jahat, bayangkan kekuatan 200,000 lebih orang kalau digunakan untuk berdepan dengan hanya 10,000 anggota polis pasti tidak mampu ditahan laghi. Namun itu bukan tujuannya.
Jangan lari fokus mengenai sapa pecah pagar atau sebagainya… isu utamanya ialah jangan ada PRU sebelum senarai pemilih dibersihan, pembersihan SPR harus bermula dengan Ketua dan Timbalanya yang jelas ahli Umno harus letak jawatan. Mana ada dalam dunia pengendali pilihanraya anggota parti politik ? Bayangkan jika perlawanan bola sepak pengadil turun ke padang memakai jersey salah satu pasukan tentu kecoh stadium.
che’GuBard / Badrul Hisham Shaharin
Parti Keadilan Nasional
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
Mungkin ada yang tak baca lagi cerita2 mangsa yang kena sama macam Ustaz Burhan semalam.
61 ulasan:
kenapa tukar tulisan besar, kurang feel nak baca. pakai la tulisan asal balik...
"Cerita Bersih 3.0 Yang Tidak Mungkin Keluar RTM atau TV3 Tapi Orang Tulis Sendiri"
Reka2 la pulok...
aku tak sempat nak edit html dia.
nanti aku kemaskan
sifir hidup ni mudah.
kau nak cuba, kau kena terima natijah dia selepas itu.
Betul apa yg awak cakap. Dan kalau kita tak cuba sesuatu, kita akan kekal selamanya duduk bawah tempurung. (Asalkan perkara yg dicuba itu baik)
Tak boleh ker mereka2 yg kena belasah ni, saman polis balik? Maksud saya, mereka yg jelas tak ganggu ketenteraman, hanya duduk tepi jalan pun boleh kena hentak, tak boleh ker saman?
Boring pula cakap pasal saman.
Ubah kerajaan, lepas tu mungkin kita boleh ubah polis sekali.
nak merdeka kena terus berusaha..rasa sakit pedih dahulu..harap2 anak 2 kita x lagi duduk bawah pemerintahan kuku besi yang berlindung disebalik demokrasi..semalam aku ternampak kat tv9..tulisan kecik kat bawah tu..mana2 cikgu yang terlibat dengan bersih..x akan ada kenaikan pangkat..itu bukan demokrasi..itu kuku besi..
it's not funny henzy.
haah. ubah polis jadi lebih lembut? main pulas telinga je?
"amboi amboi.. berhimpun jugak. kan abam kata balik. piat tinge kang"
dah duduk dalam gerombolan perhimpunan, kau kena la. apa susah sangat nak paham? nak saman polis balik? dah terang terang perhimpunan tu tak diluluskan. nak jugak keluar berhimpun. bila kena tibai nak kecoh. duduk rumah diam diam je la. hidup selesa. gaji banyak. nak kisah apa lagi?
Ada cite tk kuar RTm dan TV3 dan ada yg tk kuar kat malaysia kini,malaysia insider harakah dan tv selangor
Ubah polis supaya kembali ke misi utama mereka. Untuk melindungi orang awam. Memanglah perhimpunan tu tak diberi permitlah apalah seperti yg semua tahu, tapi itu bukan lesen untuk mereka memukul orang sesuka hati. Takkan tak faham?
Maaflah saya cakap pasal saman tu tadi sbb saya ingat sistem kehakiman kita cukup adil dan bakal memenangkan org yg dizalimi tapi saya lupa lak ia sudah tak begitu lagi.
Maaf juga sbb being funny dengan nama awak. Tapi saya rasa awak jenis org yg tak boleh terima sedikit kefunnyan kot. Masih bawah tempurung?
'duduk rumah diam diam je la. hidup selesa. gaji banyak. nak kisah apa lagi?'
Wow shahirahkhairuddin
Apa maksud anda sebenarnya? Rakyat malaysia sebenar sepatutnya hanya duduk menghadap tv, care nothing but themselves?
aku rasa, polis kena 'sekolah' balik. kena ada guideline, panduan dan peraturan yang perlu dipatuhi dalam menangani orang awam.
aku tau tak semua perangai haprak.
kalau di hospital anykind of mistakes done by health professionals, will be followed by slight change in management & protocol. Why not doing the same for them?
*aku inga dulu waktu zaman kadet polis di sekolah, budak matri ada bising2 di kem, sebab acara karaoke dibenarkan, digalakkan tapi solat jemaah x dianjurkan.
Ini Adalah Saya.. Sememangnya Polis2 ni semuanya HaramJadah.. kerana nila senegeri rosak susu senegara. Jgn salahkan Rakyat.. Jika Org2 meletak maruah Angota polis setaraf dengan anjing. Bagi diri saya senilai 1sen pun saya haramkan menjadi darah daging saya dari duit angota2 polis. walau angota polis tu dari darah daging saya sendiri. Pegi berambos pegi mampus.. Saya sebolehnya mengelakkn berurusan dengan Polis.. jika terpaksa memang SIAL lah.. sya rasa diri sya apbila menjejak kaki di balai polis memang Sial sesialnya.
org bongok je yg nak saman polis balik. Ko je la masuk jadi polis tengok kalau perserta bersih nak saman ko, ko ok ke tak. 2 tahun aku dok US, org awam respect dgn polis tau. Cuma kat malaysia ada org bodoh nak saman polis. Suruh masuk polis / askar tak mau. Cam haram.
Anon May 17, 2012 11:40:00 AM GMT+08:00, ko tak nak berurusan dgn polis..? Lagi bagus kurang kije polis layan bebal otak lutut kau tu. Nanti umah ko masuk perompak, ko jgn tipon polis, ko call je AMBIGA atau ANWAR IBRAHIM ok.? Diorang penegak keadilan. tengok apa diorang boleh buat unt ko.Hahahaha
Aku haramkan duit cukai aku yg digunakan untuk membayar gaji polis. Tak kira yg baik atau buruk selagi PDRM tak mengaku kesalahan mereka. Eh lupa. PDRM ni majoritinya Melayu. Bukan Islam. Mana peduli halal haram ni.
tugas seorang polis adalah benteras jenayah. bukan ikut sama menyamun, jadi penjenayah.
sedih :(
ni yang buat aku makin benci polis ni
Aku juga haramkan duit cukai aku untuk digunakan bagi membaik pulih kerosakan yg dibuat oleh perserta2 Bersih 1.0, 2..0 dan 3.0 selagi mereka tak mengaku kesalahan mereka.Eh lupa. Ramai perserta Bersih majoritinya Melayu. Bukan Islam. Mana peduli halal haram ni.
Sebab tu depa tak kisah ikut Bersih dan mendedahkan diri pada kemudaratan. Tapi...aneh ya..parti Islam pun join sekaki. Maybe tu Islam kelas atasan kot...boleh over ride ajaran Nabi dan Al Quran.
Ramainya troll.
Kalau la xde perintah mahkamah,xde polis xde fru time BERSIH kan bagus xde nyer jadi apa2.
Agenda utama BERSIH untuk 8 perkara dan perkara2 tu untuk mendapatkan pilihanraya yang telus dan bersih. Sepatutnya majlis FATWA mengeluarkan hukum wajib sebab rakyat teranaiya.
tambah lagi sikit kalau perhimpunan depan rumah ambiga ada polis+fru+perintah mahkamah aper yer jadi?diorang bg polis+fru tue beger ker?ker bagi bontot tok jolok....wawawawa
Aku percaya , ramai yg mcm famili aku. Kami beramai2 doa kan tuhan balas kembali dengan setimpal kepada polis2 yg sengaja bertindas di luar batasan mcm tu, dan juga kepada manusia yg sengaja membenarkan perkara2 zalim seperti itu. Kami juga meminta agar tuhan memperlihatkan balasan tu supaya di jadikan peringatan.
Benda ni dah bukan sekadar kasalahan manusia kepada tuhan, tetapi menzalimi sesama makhluk. Tuhan maha mengetahui.
Ini sekadar doa hamba kepada pencipta yg telah dizalimi oleh hamba lain. Amin.
Doa2 juga. tapi ko hulur kepala untuk di ngap sapa suruh. Jgn la taksub sgt dgn Bersih takkan jadi apa2 kalau takde perintah mahkamah / FRU berjaga. Kalau dah ramai2 berhimpun, siapa boleh ensure takde ape2 akan terjadi? Lagi satu disuruh buat kt stadium tak nak. Apa 8 tuntutan tu hanya boleh disuarakan atas jalan je ke Dol...?Dah tak de cara lain ker? ko tak reti nulis atas kertas buatsurat ke SPR . Ni seme sebenarnya saja cari perkara untuk menyalahkan 1. kerajaan 2. polis 3. SPR
tu je tujuan bersih yg sebenarnya, Anak2 aku seme aku dah warning jgn sesekali join benda2 mcm ni be it Bersih ke reformasi ke etc.
anon May 17, 2012 1:30:00 PM.
lantak dia lah nak doa pun. Ko rasa tindakan polis xsalah jgn lah takut kena bala, tuhan maha tahu.Tak tau cerita pasal bersih jgn nak komen. Semoga famili ko ngan ko tak jadi mangsa kezaliman macam ni satu hari nanti.
kesian kat hampa yang join bersih ni. aku simpati. tapi aku lagi simpati kat polis polis yang diharamkan pendapatan depa oleh hampa yang entah siapa siapa ni. hampa buat la doa lagu tu, hampa jatuh la haram sesuka hati. aku nak tengok nanti bila anak dara hampa kena rogol, rumah hampa kena rompak, bini hampa kena raba, hampa nak repot kat sapa. hampa nak merayu mintak tolong selesaikan kes kat sapa. haha. funny la hampa ni.
lagi satu, polis memang dilatih untuk tegas dan keras macam tu. hampa try pi latihan polis tengok. kalau tak kena balun memang tak sah. salah sikit balun.
hampa yang pi sua domoi join bersih tu buat pa. dah hampa sendiri yang BODO !
lain kali jgn bkumpul ramai2 sampai 1/2 juta. bkumpul dlm 10 org, jual burger dpn rumah org sudah la. yg tu pulis kata boleh. kalu nak jugak bhimpun bejuta2, buat konsert dpn rumah pm. itu konfirm ok
jgn lupa ujung minggu ni, sarapan tosai dpn rumah tkpn. free
gile kentang troll2 anon kat sini
ya, instead of join bersih, aku sepatutnya goyang punggung depan rumah orang. tindakan membantah yang HALAL la katakan? apa yang dibantah oleh pakcik2 tu pun aku tak tau
sori nak cakap, penat aku nak layan golongan bengap UMNO/BN
bagi gambar polis penendang peserta, still backup perilaku polis
bagi bukti bersusun sampai ke langit pn ko masih backup kezaliman polis
cukup2lah kebodohan dan perpecahan yg UMNO/BN ajar
buta ke kau, bila rakyat dah berdoa macam tu punya cara, maknanya rakyat betul2 dah pasrah dan tak percayakan kerajaan lagi?
ingat, suara rakyat yang sebenarnya berkuasa pada malaysia!
marah kena doa.? Gila apa orang umno ni. Doa tu hak semua orang la. Dia rasa teraniaya dia doa la. Yang korang tetiba cuak apa ke hal.
anon kt sini pening pusing2...
Dia kata polis kejam.
Kita kata sapa suruh pergi bersih, dah tau penyakit nak mai
Dia kata balik - abis polis boleh pukul org sesuka hati..?
Kita kata - abis dah ko pergi sua muka kt tmpt mcm tu sapa suruh. Cuba ko dok umah elok2 baca Quran, layan anak2 belajar muqaddam, adakena tumbuk ka..?
Dia kata - polis memang kejam.
Lagi satu, part halal haram tu...jgn la menghalalkan benda yg haram dan mengharamkan benda yg halal. Apa ko confirm ke pendapatan yg ko dapat tu halal 100% sedap2 hati nak haram2kan org lain..?
Hm...tak tau nk kata apa dah. Lantak kome le...Janji anak bini aku, aku dah ajar jgn menzalimi diri sendiri dgn benda2 yg memudaratkan diri. Sekian.
ahaha. asal berbetah betah ja, hampa tuduh kami orang umno.
double simpati kat hampa.
kami ni bukan lah fanatik mana mana parti. hampa fanatik ka? kami ni hanya lah rakyat yang selesa hidup, dan rasa tak perlu kot nak berhimpun ni semua.
patutlah sokong BN, tengok komen pun dah tahu level otak dia tak berfungsi sepenuhnya. selamat la korang dunia akhirat.hehe.
1. Go to File and select "Open"
2. Open Template for Comment
3. Highlight comment template
4. Ctrl+C
5. Ctrl+V
6. Claim "self + non-partisan" for superiority complex disorder
7. Feel good about yourself
Bile org melayu nk mula brbunuhan sesama sendiri ni?
Tk sabar aku
anoy May 17, 2012 3:20:00 PM
Bunuh sama sendiri bila org melayu macam hang dah ramai. Sekarang ni melayu yang sayangkan negara lebih ramai dari melayu macam hang. Sebab tu menyampah kat BN Umngok ramai.
"ahaha. asal berbetah betah ja, hampa tuduh kami orang umno. "
So true. Tipikal la org mcm StormXisme tu.
Kalu dia post kat blog BN, dia pun pakai anon gak. Hahaa..
hahaha..padan muka mana yg merasa boot polis..tahun depan buat lh lg....
hahaha...padan muka kalau doa2 org yg kena boot tu tuhan makbul...tahun depan buat lh lg..
aku teringan sgt nk tengok, rakyat2 yg dok kata polis rasuah, anjing kerajaan, etc etc, tukar profesion jadi polis. ramai2. pakat ramai, puluh ribu org yg join bersih hari tu, pakat masuk polis. pasti aku akan rasa lebih selamat pasal korang semua tulus dan ikhlas berbakti pada rakyat.
Oleh kerana kat sekolah2 asrama/universiti terdapat spesis2 student yg suka pukul/ragging student yg lain dan cikgu yg rogol murid, maka dengan itu kerajaan perlulah tutup terus sekolah/universiti tu walaupun matlamat asal penubuhan sekolah itu dan majoriti student/cikgunya adalah baik.
Samalah macam BERSIH walaupun matlamat asalnya ialah baik tp sebabkan segelintir yg melawan maka ia jadi haram habis lagi ratusan ribu yg tak melawan tu jadi berdosa besar melawan kerajaan dan tuntutan BERSIH adalah memanfaatkan LGBT.
Terima kasih encik Polis kerana setiap pagi tolong jaga simpang trafik light yg saya lalu nak pergi kerja hari2 kalau tak jam. Oleh itu encik Polis dibenarkan tumbuk terajang saya beramai2 pada BERSIH 4.0 nanti.
aku pun teringin sangat nak tengok polis2 yang duk kata peserta2 bersih bodoh, padan muka, tak ber adab dsbg tukar jadi rakyat biasa dan join bersih. Pasti diorang akan redha serta wasatiah kena belasah tak pasal2, dan malaysia pasti akan aman sebab Kerajaan BN tak menipu sebab tu susah nak buat demo.
aparaaa gaduh2 dlm nie...snang cter lau ada bersih 4.0 then sme2 trun...baik pro-bersih mahupn anti-bersih...sme2 tgk sme2 nilai...y anti bersih tu aku mtk trun bkn suruh join jd lau dh alasan "buang masa aku je trun bersih!!!" maka diam adalah lebih baik...selalu dok laungkn "berani kerana benar"...jd lau nk kn kebenaran maka dgn beraninya nya trun lah time bersih.....
Kadang2 aku terfikir,apa akan jadi kat Malaysia kalau semua parti pembangkang semua bubar..jgn ada satu pun parti yg menentang BN selama 20 tahun? -Din
Contoh terdekat Korea Utara :)
Keberangkalian Rosmah jadi Queen atau Presiden amat tinggi kalau najib pergi awal.:)
Bagus semua melayu sudah gaduh2..saya suka..biar semua pecah belah, baru senang mau masuk line.
kalo takut kena pukul dok umah p ngaji jek...agak2 kalo melayu perangai cam tue merdeka ker kita?tunku dulu nk dapat merdeka pown p ke jalan. so jangan salah kan rakyat yang makin bijak.
Penyelesaian - semua polis resign sebagai polis. Semua peserta Bersih resign dari profesion masing2. Pastu saling bertukar/ambil alih kerja - bekas polis jadi non-polis, bekas non-polis jadi polis. Tentu aman & bahagia Malaysia ni.
Kalaulah media kita bagi liputan sama adil pada pihak pembangkang untuk menyuarakan visi dan misi macam yang diberikan pada BN, aku rasa BERSIH tak akan ujud. Biar rakyat pilih sbb rakyat Malaysia sekarang dah pandai, bukan macam dulu menonong jer menyokong kerajaan. Ni tidak, dahlah dinafikan hak bersuara, kena sepak terajang lagi. Tapi tak apa, PRU13 nanti akan menyaksikan satu perubahan drastik wajah politik tanahair. Rakyat dah tahu, tunggu masa nak memilih jer. 2/3 Malaysia akan ditadbir pembangkang, percayalah.... Barula ada check and balance...
BN sekarang salah di mata rakyat tapi jangan lupa Anwar juga dulu bekas BN. Bijaklah dalam memilih pemimpin akan datang.
Kalau PR x buat huru hara byk lg undi dpt ke dorg.majoriti pengundi dh jijik sgt dgn sbb huru hara ni dgn mcm2 kes peribadi ketua2 pembangkang ni dengan byk isu xterjawab buat rakyat fikir 50-50.
Jangan lupa kereta kebal dan karbin M4 belum dikeluarkan lagi. Baru pakai gas CS sudah menciput lari. Tak ada bakat untuk menawan Putrajaya.
polis2 baru,muda2 jer ramai buat perangai..
ni semua geng2 mat rempit tak dapat kerja, apply kerja polis.bila dah dapat tunjuk hebat, samseng, berlagak
aku tak dari pengalaman aku dengan polos ni, polis yang muda2 ni banyak kurang ajar
Ya allah, turun,k lah bala dan musibah yg maha besar setimpal dgn apa yg telah polis2 itu telah lakukan kepada mana2 peserta BERSIH yg tidak bersalah supaya menjadi iktibar kepada manusia yg lain. Amin
kerana nila setitik, habis susu sebelanga...
oleh kerana ada polis yg buat taik, habis semua polis taik...
oleh kerana ada peserta bersih yg buat taik, habis semua peserta taik...
what goes around comes around
apa jadahnya polis g bantai orang...
sama juga kalau peserta bersih g bantai polis...
dua dua tu salah...
tapi kalau polis bantai bantai la dia balik...orang lain jgn menyibuk nak tolong join pukul pulak...
sama juga kalau lu bantai polis dulu...dia bantai lu jgn la marah...yang lain sila tengok jer...jgn tolong join bantai beramai2 pulak...tolong leraikan xpe....
bacalah skali tulisan mantot pasal Ustazah yang Nakal... tambah kefahaman...
this guy has three posts of his experience during bersih 3.0:
Patutlah atuk nenek kami tak bg anak cucunya jadi polis....
tanpa anon siapalah blog ini. haha...
bukan atok nenek ngko x bagi jadi polis...yang betulnya atok nenek ngko tu tau cucu2 nya suma bodoh...xlayak nak jadi polis
Bodo punya polis
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