Julai 18, 2016

Tiada Tuhan Yang Disembah Melainkan Allah, Aku Naik Saksi Muhammad Itu Pesuruh Allah

Pada satu hari datang seorang lelaki non-Muslim padaku lalu beliau bertanya,"bro, good day to you. Kalau aku berjaya proof to you today that Islam is not the true religion, mahu tak dengar my reasoning?"

"Sure. Tapi aku inform dulu, aku percaya Islam 100%," jawab ku.

"Then, how come I tengok dekat media sosial, many Muslim argue amongst themselves, Islam dia lah yang paling betul sekali berbanding orang Muslim lain?" tanya dia balik.

"Itu sebab kita ada banyak pemahaman yang ada berbeza," kataku.

"Then, which one is the really correct one, yours or them?" tanya dia semula.

"Everyone is correct in their own intrepretation," jawabku lagi.

"But, how come you are fighting among your Muslim brothers, who is more correct,then?" tanya dia lagi.

"Oh..." jawabku. "Dalam Islam, ada konsep,kalau ada benda tak sependapat, kita sangka baik dengan dia dan dia pun betul dengan pendapat dia."

"So, what you are saying, he's correct and you are correct too. But how come Melayu kena tangkap kalau dia bersekedudukan dengan not her wife, you know," tanya dia lagi. "In that situation, kenapa tak boleh terima tak sependapat pula? It's their  choice lah kan kalau dua-dua couple Muslim?"

"Ini sebab in Islam, dalam Quran ada disebut, kami mesti support good things and prevent bad things," jawabku.

"So what you are saying, kalau I dengan my girlfriend duduk satu rumah, it's a bad thing la?" tanya dia balik.

"Ye, dalam Islam it is, if you are a Muslim," jawabku.

"Then you are not honoring his pendapatlah kan regarding the matter?" tanya dia balik.

"Which matter?" tanyaku lagi.

"If a Muslim chose nak duduk serumah dengan his girlfriend, all Muslim should agree lah that it was his choice and if it is the correct method for him and his girlfriend, then Melayu lain tak boleh lah kacau pilihan dia, kan?" soal dia.

"Islam tak benarkan dia duduk serumah dengan girlfriend dia, that is all," jawabku.

"Then you are not honoring your other Muslim punya choice," kata dia.

"....and dia tak hormati Islam," kataku.

"Then how come Melayu tak boleh keluar Islam, since it was not according to his belief and dia tak mau hormati Islam?" tanya dia.

"It is about respect. You nak keluar Islam, you keluarlah Islam, but just keep it to yourself," kataku.

"Why should he? Dia ada rights as a citizen, dia ada rights as a human being to professed whatever he believes in, am I correct?" tanya dia lagi untuk memerangkapku buat kali terakhir. "Dia boleh umumlah yang dia sudah change agama kan?"

"Kalau aku Hindu, duduk di Brickfields dan aku suka makan daging lembu, is it appropriate aku announce to the public, I like to eat beef?" tanyaku.

"No." Jawab dia.

"If I am a Christian and suddenly I do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, is it ok if kalau saya umum my beliefs?" tanyaku lagi.

"Tak eloklah macam tu," jawab dia."Nanti ramai yang sensitif."

"Then, kenapa tiap-tiap kali Muslim yang nak go against Islamic beliefs in Malaysia, they are encourage to be very vocal about their new beliefs by some people?" tanyaku lagi.

"I don't know. Maybe because Muslim are the majority here?" jawab dia. "But still that didn't answer my first question, out of all the argument between Muslim, mana satu yang correct?" tanya dia balik.

"You go find yourself one person who sama religion dengan you tapi dia tak conform everything dengan what you beliefs in. Come back and inform me, siapa correct," kataku.

2 ulasan:

  1. nice writing Tot.

    tak sangkaapa yg ko tulis , adalah situasi sebenar yang aku alami di pejabat sekarang.

    cuma mungkin.yg cuba provoke dan bertanya adalah kawan ko.

    tp aku adalah big boss aku sendiri.
    soalan sama.kenapa melayu islam lain boleh minum arak, tak pakai tudung , bebas bergaul dan keluar dr islam.

    apa istimewa sgt org melayu smpai agama lain tak boleh ajak org islam murtad,kenapa org melayu sgt paranoid kalo ada agama lain ajak murtad follow other religion.

    aku jawab dengan serba payah.sebab dia bertanya bukan sebagai org awam yg kita jumpa dijalanan
    nada suara gaya dan cara dia bercakap adalah seorang boss. cakap dia je yg betul. baru nak jawab dia argue and bidas based on emosi dan kebencian dia

    well stress sesangat. damn the man yg gatai sgt nak wujudkan islamphobia ni.

  2. laaa...

    jawab macam ni aje...

    a) I am a Muslim. I do not care if other Muslims wanted to lead their life. As a devout Muslim, it is my duty to exercise "amr ma'ruf, nahi mungkar" if I see things that is against my belief. My duty to remind, not to punish them...Allah is the best of punisher, even greater than Frank Castle.

    b) I do not care if any Muslim wanted to leave their faith, if they felt good about it...go ahead.

    c) You are one moronic a**hole who kept on asking me this like I have the authority to explain this to you...if you have balls...why don't you ask the Mufti Pahang and see what he will do to ya?


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