Disember 18, 2014

Rara Ni Politician atau Selebriti Sebenarnya?

Rara ni...
politician atau selebriti sebenarnya?

Oh, politician rupanya.

Mungkin dia kena mula mintak orang panggil dia dengan nama betul dia.
Dan pastikan nama dia ditulis dengan font yang serius untuk mencerminkan
ketokohan politik dia. Bukan macam seperti gambar pertama tu.

Artis murahan aje yang bagi nama dia ditulis sedemikian rupa.
Ini pandangan aku la.

Branding tu sangat penting dalam politik ni dik.
Takkanlah nak jadi "special guest" aje sampai ke tua?

Nurul Izzah boleh dipandang politician serius walaupun dia hot.
Cuma branding tu kena pastikan betol la.

7 ulasan:

  1. Kasihan bahasa tamil diketepikan oleh DAP

  2. desperrate sgt DAP nk dapatkan sokongan Melayu. diorang tahu, hanya dgn undi Melayu diorang boleh maju ke depan.

  3. OutSyed The Box

    Pembunuhan 141 Anak Pakistan Mendedahkan Kemunafikan Pejuang Jihad

    141 Pakistani school kids were murdered in cold blood in Peshawar. Another seven adults (teachers) also died. Today another 67 Pakistanis died in retaliatory attacks by the Pakistani air force. Here is the news :

    ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani jets and ground forces killed 67 militants in a northwestern tribal region near the Afghan border, officials said Friday, days after Taliban fighters killed 148 people — most of them children — in a school massacre.

    In the meantime Boko Haram has also kidnapped another 185 women, girls and children. 32 people were also killed.

    Today is Friday. I was waiting to see if any of the religious clowns would be organising any demonstrations at the Masjid Negara, Masjid Kg Baru or Masjid Jamek to protest the murder of the 148 Pakistanis. I dont think there was any.

    All the bloody Muslim countries around the world said hardly a thing. At least the Indian government observed two minutes of prayer and silence in all schools throughout India in memory of those slain children. And India is a Hindu country !!

    Tapi in Malaysia the sekolah pondok, madrassah and sekolah kebangsaan guys do not even know jack stuff about where Pakistan is. Tapi depa kata 's-o-l-i-d-a-r-i-t-y' dengan negara Islam !!

    Pi dah mabuk.

    At least the MCA released a media statement expressing regrets and sadness at the death of 148 school kids and teachers in Pakistan. Did UMNO say anything?

    Is it because the children who were killed were Pakistanis and not Arabs? Imagine if 148 Palestinians were killed by the Israelis. The entire 'Rejimen Tin Milo' will be out in the streets collecting donations for 'Tabung Jihad' in their Tin Milo.

    But when 148 Pakistanis died, there were no Tabung Tin Milo collections. Pasal apa pula? Pakistani lives are not that important?
    Syed Akbar Ali

    1. Well, to the Malays:-

      Pakistan = Bangladesh = lower caste or kasta.

      That's why they don't give a shit.

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  5. http://m.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1662754/malay-muslims-fleeing-country

  6. Mantot, kupas sikit pasal isu the so-called "moderates" and extremists yg sering dicanang-canangkan oleh pihak2 yg berfikiran nampak sangat ke-liberal-annnya. Contohnya, marina mahathir and the gang, SIS dll lagi. Nak lagi banyak info pasal these so-called moderate muslims, boehlah bukak suratkhabar The Star.



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